Become a NY+20 Donor and help sponsor our diverse Student Participants!

25 Apr
Sustainabilty is a conversation for all, no matter what background you come from. Help us fund diverse and creative participants at NY+20 by donating today:
This Friday, over 100 high school and university students will gather to discuss issues of sustainability that will shape the quality of their lives for years to come. 

NY+20, a youth-initiated and led event, will engage and inspire youth and students from the Greater New York City area to voice their opinions on the future of their world to top academics, United States Government and United Nations representatives, and other youth leaders. We need your help to ensure that we can bring the diversity of voices that this event deserves.

We are seeking a total of $500 to sponsor high school students from low-income areas around New York City to attend the event. Even $30 is enough to sponsor one student to attend the event. 

This event is organized for New York City youth by a coalition of dedicated students from colleges around the region, and we hope you will support us in our efforts to engage the next generation of sustainability leaders.

Help propel youth to make a lasting difference in the world through this secure link: . Your name will be listed in all of our materials as a NY+20 donor, and your contribution will be valued during and after our conference. 
Thank you for your support!

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